Saturday, April 23, 2011

Who were the Neanderthals?

The species lost are our possible ancestors are always to be the object of research and debated today. They said he lived as 200,000 years to close as 25,000 years ago in Europe and Southwest Asia. Think they were inhabitants of the cave, this species was physically and culturally adapt the conditions of the ice age.

Almost two centuries, the first fossils of creatures found in Western Europe. Due to the lack of documentation, this wasn't in 1856, when the first remains of a skull and skeleton were found by workers in a cellar deposit small Neander River Valley near D?sseldorf, Germany. They have been recognized as human, but different, like the fact that she had a brow ridged wider and deeper than a man modern with a decline in menton.

Known for having lived in tribes, Neanderthals helped each other to survive. They hunt and eat for sustenance and did not stay in the same place for a long period of time. Experts believe that they were the first humans to bury their dead were also first contact art (cave drawings). Some researchers also believe that we might indeed be an advanced form of Neanderthal due to natural selection results.

To the man of today Neanderthals were larger boned and more heavily muscled. They also have relatively short and squat, and average around 5 feet in height. The brain size was close to that of the average human and even maybe larger.

There is always the question of the where and how the Neanderthals has ceased to exist. Some experts believe that finally the rigorous climatic conditions eliminated the. While others believe that because of the theory of the "jungle" they in turn finally perished attempting to hunt the creatures of massive ice age like the mammoth and saber-toothed Tiger. Up to what we know with certainty the scientists will continue research and discoveries of the missing links and pieces in the past.

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