Monday, May 9, 2011

Tube digestif and TOE at a time?

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To develop a new paradigm you must be fully acquainted with the well-known accepted laws of physics. You would also need to know and notate the instances wherein these laws did not mesh with the latest experiments. In taking this approach you should list all the known issues and contradictions within the Standard Model. You may optionally include this model's failure to explain parapsychological phenomena; Although most theoretical physicists are not concerned with that. If you work diligently, you should end up with about 15-18 from on your list. They should include the usual suspects and perhaps a few on the periphery of science. For the typical items you would likely include problems like the conflicting experimental results of astronomical measurements concerning dark matter and dark energy (i.e., wherein observation of the rotation of galaxies suggests that the gravitation force holding them together is significantly greater than what can be accounted for by our laws and comments). You may also elect to include the current theory of gravitation needs that a more fundamental explanation.

As well, you should note that measurements of the speed of recession of Galaxy reveals that our universe is not just expanding... its rate of expansion is accelerating. You should also include science's inability to combine general relativity and quantum theory, along with the need for a theory which provides a unified explanation of the existence of the various particles and forces (a major objective of superstring theory). I would suggest that you also add to this list an entry stating that the values of the fundamental constant which make up the Standard Model of fundamental particle physics seem rather arbitrary and quite unrelated. Of course, you MUST include The Standard Model inability to explain Aspect's experiments. You also should consider throwing in a few fringe issues, such as the apparent instant speed of gravity.

After compiling such a list you should then consider and reflect upon the fundamental scientific and philosophical problem within the foundation of quantum mechanics: i.e., what is reality? I suggest this addition because the response of mainstream physics is the Copenhagen Interpretation, which essentially states that until some measurement is made on it, the existence of an entity remains in question; However, that doesn't really answer the question. At the conclusion of this exercise you should have amassed quite a list, with as many as twenty items. That is step one.

The next step is to spend sufficient time contemplating a new model that solved all of these issues by mass, and spend your time performing this exercise while concurrently reviewing theories that others have been coming up with to solve these issues. What you will likely find is that most of the proposed theories have two things in common. First, most new theories add to the complexity of nature's laws (this is contrary to the logical direction of unity); Second, and more important perhaps, none of them attempt to address all of the problems at once. If you take a piecemeal approach you will find that it will likely lead to other problems; ERGO you should seek an inclusive, comprehensive theory.

With all of this in mind, you may well find that your best option is to, in effect, mentally construct a model of nature that works within all the scientific measurements and experiments. This tact will afford you the luxury to entirely fabricate any model of nature you wish so long as it solved the known issues collectively without violating any accepted scientific principles. You are free to invent as many different scenarios of nature that you can imagine, and you should do so at nature's most fundamental form.

However, even with full license to create a new model it won't be easy. You will likely discover extensively issues and run into many stalemates. You would be well served to seek the help of other knowledgeable and practical physicists to help point the countless dead ends you will likely encounter. However, with dogged determination and a lot of trial and error, and with the well-known problems of physics constantly ringing in your head, you just may land upon a successful proposal of nature. To make it work you may need to reinterpret some laws and think outside the box concerning some well-known equations, but you must do so without changing their time-tested outcomes. For example, instead of considering that light travels at "c" and the speed of space as infinite, you could consider the speed of space as traveling at "c" and EM radiation traveling in zero time. You would find that every experiment and every formula based on light traveling at "c" would still work, but it could lead to other views that would help your objective. Also, you could perhaps tip toe around Einstein a bit. For example, instead of gravity being a factor of geometry as Einstein proposed in General Relativity, you could have it follow pure Newtonian Mechanics while adhering to precisely the same behavioral characteristics as Einstein postulated.

Instead of solely a physical universe, you could define physical space as having a complementary consisting of the metaphysical realm. Heck, instead of space itself being fundamentally empty, you could construct a model wherein it was comprised of tiny (The Planck Length-sized) elements. You could call these tiny geometries of space "Spaxels" most smartest pixels that make up your computer screen and TV. You could perhaps combine the concept of Spaxels with that of Zero Point Energy ("EPZS") and consider that this pairing, depending on whether the vibration is circular or linear, understood the realms of the physical and metaphysical. For that matter, instead of considering that gravity is a physical strength, you could link it the realm of the metaphysical and tie it with consciousness. You could call the phenomenon of your creation "gravicon". There are ways of looking at nature differently and thinking outside the box, but all the pieces of your new puzzle must fit.

If you follow this model and succeed, you will have accomplished what no one else has done before. In addition to explaining matter and energy as well as resolving all the issues on your guiding list of known problems, you will have at once created the Theory of Everything ("TOE") and the Grand Unified Theory ("GUT"). The two Holy Grails of physics in one fell swoop...

Of course, your new model will have to make some specific predictions that future experiments will be able to prove or disprove (such as the behavior of equal-sized binary stars). Good luck with your effort.

Joseph e. Donlan, while outwardly a successful business man, is, at heart, a quintessential philosophise. As such, he has spent the last thirty years investigating and challenging the world of mainstream physics and tackling the mysteries of life and science. Donlan holds a BA in English from Northeastern University, undertook graduate studies in Software Engineering with an elective emphasis in Artificial Intelligence ("A.I.") at Boston University, and is currently pursuing his doctorate in Metaphysics. After Software Engineering graduate studies he continued his research into A.I. at a high level of interest and became increasingly incredulous concerning the direction that a. i. research was headed. His skepticism led him to intensify his investigation of the inner workings of the human brain to more fundamentally understand the very entity A.I. experts are trying to emulate. This examination, in conjunction with the plethora of problems within the laws of physics began a chain of events which culminated with his Ordaining Reality books.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Conservation of mechanical energy and rolling motion

In this article, I show how it is easy to solve the problems of rotational motion of fundamentals. It is a continuation of the last two articles on rolling motion. The notation used is summarized in section "teaching dynamic rotation. As usual, I describe the method in terms of an example.

Problem. A solid ball of mass m and radius r is rolling through a horizontal speed v surface when it encounters an inclined at an angle th. Distance d along the inclined ball moves to stop and go back down? Assume that the ball moves without dragging?

Analysis. Since the ball moves without dragging, mechanical energy is conserved. We will use a frame of reference which the origin is a distance r above at the bottom of the slope. This is to centre the ball as it starts up the ramp, SW = 0 Yi. When assimilate us the mechanical energy of the ball at the bottom of the slope (where Yi = 0 and Vi = V) and to the point where it stops (Yu = h and Vu = 0), we

Mechanical energy conservation

Mechanical energy = mechanical energy final initials

M(VI**2)/2 Icm(Wi**2)/2 + MGYi = M(Vu**2)/2 Icm(Wu**2)/2 + MGYu

M(V**2)/2 + + MG (0) Icm(W**2)/2 = M(0**2)/2 Icm(0**2)/2 + MGH;

where h is the vertical displacement of the ball stops on the slope at the moment. If d is the distance the ball moves along the slope h = d sin (th). This insertion with W = V/R and Icm = 2 M(R**2)/5 in energy equation, we find, after some simplification, the ball moves the slope distance

d = 7 (V * 2) / (10Gsin (th))

to rotate and position downwards.

This solution of the problem is exceptionally easy. Once again the same message: start all solutions of problem with a fundamental principle. When you do, your ability to solve problems is greatly improved.

Dr. William Moebs is physical retired professor who has taught at both universities: Indiana - Purdue Fort Wayne and Loyola Marymount University. You can see hundreds of examples illustrating how stressed the fundamental principles by visiting physical support.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

My family, the solar system

Off into the sky, far out in space, sitting there, just us watching, at the same time make us a mockery. This big ball of flame, dashing, gas and radiant with all its glory. The Sun, the biggest and baddest of all human beings rounds in space, though, most grand and baddest of our solar system.

We never tried to approach him? We would if we could. He intentionally pumps up its photosphere (visible surface of the Sun) in a 6 unbearable, 000?C! This is ridiculous! It is as it hogs all the space around him and ensures burn all intruders. What is he hiding? There any treasure he wishes behind his chromosphere (inner layer of sun). He is hiding something so valuable that it requires a wall (core) consumer, 000?C protect? ?

Do you began his gigantic; size It has a diameter of about 1,400,000 kilometres! I mean, come, what is the need to grow than grand? He needs to lay off nuclear fusion (source of energy from the Sun).

He intimidates planets, my brothers, worshipping him. We are forced to run circles around him all day and night. Took the trap we, mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in its gravitational field too large. Well my brother Pluto is no longer a planet because Sun decided it was more good enough to rotate around. Gravity keeps us off, but he also lets fly and met a black hole, so I guess it's good.

I pity too, that the Sun is not all bad. Sometimes it gives us something nice to look at when he will go to sleep, you know... sunsets. Hey, sometimes, it even gives us. as aurora lights (Northern and southern lights) wow.

It gives us vitamin D, which helps our bones and teeth.

It heats up our planet, our Green Earth, day and out. Without this heat, we we will do a toast, nah, we either frozen!

The Sun is at the source of all life, no heat, no life. It is about responsible for the oxygen we breathe, it allows their photosynthesis, plants and as a result, we can breathe!
It is almost an endless supply of power, that is, if we decide to use solar panels to harvest the power.

It controls and maintains our climate. Storms, hurricanes (also called cyclones and typhoons), tornadoes and thunderstorms have all given some, if not to the credit of the Sun. I am sure that many people did not know this, but the Sun is responsible for our wind. Amazing right?

I guess that the Sun is a cool dude, not really, but it does help me. It also helps those who depend on me stay alive. In fact, the smallest living on me believe that the Sun is set to blow up in about 4.7 million years. I suppose that any good thing has come to an end.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What makes a superior spectrophotometer Bowl

Based on today's industry standards, a cuvette spectrophotometer is generally made from optical glass or synthetic quartz materials fused silica. There are many different brands and suitability of these materials. For example, optical glass bowl can be made of borosilicate glass borofloat, Pyrex ? and various other types of glass Crown.

Quartz has also a few different brands, and thereafter, slightly different properties. A popular type of fused silica quartz is Quartz, know Extrasil quartz. This type of quartz features optical and chemical graduate and has been used for the manufacture of potholes reliable spectrophotometer for many years.

Bowl Assembly also affects sound quality. Potholes are usually constructed from 4-5 plates of glass or quartz.

There are several different methods to assemble a cuvette spectrophotometer. The most common method is using fire to melt the two plates together, this is known as the heat of fusion. The way cheaper and less reliable for assembling a bowl with a sintered compound glass. This technique is call sintering and is popular among Chinese toilet manufacturers due to the low cost and required competencies. The best technique for assembling potholes is to thermal fusion low pressure. Currently, there are only a handful of companies having this ability.

Thermal fusion capability is a standard requirement for companies using flow cytometry (flow channel cells) in their equipment. Thermally Fused Quartz ES cells using flow cytometry and potholes can handle high pressure and can withstand lasers high performance without taking damage.

Polishing is a crucial element to produce good spectrophotometer potholes. The better a window or a plate is polished, best optical transmission. Polishing is done using special polishing powders that go from very coarse to fine. Polishing powder is placed in a machine of polishing automated runs and polished plates and gives them a Polish perfectly even. Some plants Polish plates in hand, but this method is not reliable due to human error.

Having accurate and precise data will save time researchers, money and many headaches. Using a cuvette spectrophotometer which is made of materials of high quality certified ISO machines, provide scientists with more accurate results in their research.

A spectrophotometer, a manufacturer established and reliable toilet purchase is recommended. There are many questionable Chinese manufacturers trying to take advantage of cheap manufacturing costs. However, their bowls known leaks (melting/sintering poor), and have lower transmission (poor quality materials). It is quite possible that this technology is in its infancy in China, but may come to the realization in the future. Researchers are learning potholes purchased these Chinese factories should be replaced by basins from a reliable provider because of bad results they receive.

An example of a reputable manufacturer (Japanese) is linked to below. You'll notice transmission and details provided on its production site.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Anatomy and Physiology study - tips to take your exam

Study of Anatomy and Physiology may be very difficult. Once the dreaded end year reviews bring students begin to feel completely overwhelmed with the amount of work they have to revise.

Most of the time this difficult topic is divided into 12 body systems.

Cells and tissues
Muscular system
Skeletal system
Endocrine system
Nervous system

Words, functions, diseases, disorders, definitions... These are examples of the type of things, students must cover each of these body systems. It is therefore quite understandable how students become so submerged. That being said, sit your examinations of Anatomy and physiology is certainly not impossible.

Include a few tips that I recommend that follow you.

1 Have a Bank of questions that you can use in your studies. The best format to use for your review of the questions is multiple choice. The idea would be to take a number of questions each day, approximately 30 and teach them. After about 3 or 4 days to test yourself on what you've learned. This is a great way to see what questions you need to learn again.

2 Quizzes Anatomy and Physiology and puzzles are a great way to learn this difficult topic. They are too good fun! Questions true or false and best examples of crossword puzzles. Your knowledge of body systems will surely improve if you repeat these puzzles again and again. You should aim to complete the puzzles without using your notes.

3 Have an organized review plan typed. Plan exactly what area you are revising and on what dates. Once you have a plan in place, you will be able to see what work should cover. Type your plan out, print it and put on the wall in front of your desktop.

There are a lot of work with the anatomy and Physiology study but try to not to panic. Once you have a structured plan and a good study guide you will find that pass your exams is not impossible.