Saturday, April 16, 2011

Anatomy and Physiology review Questions - How to get an a in your Test

It is essential for anyone entering the field of health who have a basic understanding of Anatomy and physiology. The course is very technical, and there is much information to learn.

I taught Anatomy and Physiology for 6 years and I am very pleased to say that not one of my students does not have their reviews.

I'll go through my method of teaching with you better I can on paper. You can follow this method at home, it is very simple.

I use puzzles and multiple choice questions. The study guide that use has more than a thousand questions is ideal. Each system has its own chapter, so I did not spend time separating questions myself.

Thus, for example, while a single class I covers composition of bone, types of bone and examples. For homework, I give them to complete crosswords. I always photocopy multiple copies of these crosswords for my students can repeat over and over again. Crusaders would obviously relevant to the work that we've covered class.

During the next class I correct Crusaders with them and give them a test on what we've covered the previous week by using multiple-choice questions. I continue this process every week. Once I finish I give my students a large a chapter multiple-choice test. If we have any free time at the end of each class I give them various puzzles to try and finish without the aid of their books.

My students submit their questions to choose multiple tests and crosswords and go on these many times in their studies. Here at the end of the year exams arrived, they have a properly documented review questions and puzzles they have already learned several times.

And that's it! Sounds simple isn't it? It's simple and it really works. Follow this routine at home yourself and you can get that "A" in your test.

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