Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mechanical advantage - screw

It's a "simple machine" we are all quite familiar with due to its widespread use in various applications. In fact, we may be familiar with what might be difficult to believe that it is even a "machine".

Well, technically, a machine can be anything that performs mechanical "work", so even has something as trivial as a screw can be one. Screw systems such as Archimedes screw are at the base of numerous mechanical devices, including those used for the conveyance of water, grain or even transporting fish from one container to another. As you can see, the concept of the screw is thus not limited to the sharp small pieces of galvanized metal used in carpentry jobs, or fix-it. This is one of the components core number in the world of mechanics.

Speaking from a point of reference technical screw nothing, but a "inclined plan" wrapped a shank or cylinder. A slipway is also one of the 6 machines simply called thus by scientists of the Renaissance, but the distinction between the screw and the slipway is that the former only in spiral around a cylinder, but also converts a linear rotational force.

Inclined plane

First, let's define a slipway. Imagine a straight line with the 2 points of endpoint at different heights and you have yourself a slipway. In practice, think of a ramp next to the stairs. Ramp jumps to the same height as the stairs, but has probably start from further back.

So much more return ramp goes, the mechanical advantage. The advantage of the mechanics of the incline is the length of the slope divided by the slope - MA slope length/slope height = height.


If the thread is wrapped a screw is essentially a plan tilted, gradually climbing tree screw. The advantage of the mechanics of the screw is calculated by MA pdm/l = where dm is equal to the average or mean diameter of the screw thread, and l is equal to the head of the screw thread.

* You need to know the actual mechanical advantage of screw system is more than the above equation, the advantage of the mechanics of the driver or similar device transforming.

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