Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Why chemistry is part of any well-rounded education

The first people that begins to record the results of chemical experiments were the ancient Greeks. Ancient Greek scientists came up with the concept of "elements" and they came with early models of the atom. Naturally, they lacked the technology available to get it just right, but they have laid the foundations.

For some students, it is clear why chemistry is a requirement. Students in nursing, medical students, most engineers and those that specialize in science need to know the basic principles of chemistry. Some students require extensive chemistry training to meet their requirements for graduation. But a major literature can benefit from the study of chemistry. This is one of basic science, and it can improve scientific literacy, which is a good question whether if you dissection of Shakespeare or the structure of a new drug.

The study of chemistry teaches you academic discipline, and once you have completed the course, you have a very real sense of having accomplished something. Analytical skills and patience, you learn how to take a chemistry class benefit you regardless of your curriculum. And there were many students who initially feared chemistry to discover that they really enjoyed it.

In chemistry class, you can use the skills you developed in basic science classes and your math skills. You'll also develop your skills in logic, and if you plan to enter university or law, logical environment skills are paramount. Chemistry also involves a certain amount of simple memorization, but you memorized your multiplication that tables when and you are certainly capable of doing the memory required in chemistry class.

Even if you do not have to take chemistry to meet your requirements for graduation, you should consider strongly taking. Get a good grounding in basic chemistry, you will benefit from any direction your studies takes you.

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