Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Successfully executing a good survey

Criminal investigations is also known as forensic science. This is how the detectives and scrupulous right solve criminal cases by gathering useful evidence. People can ask what things a crime scene investigator must know and what are the corresponding formations one.

There is a popular television CSI show was criminal that is surprisingly resolved by protagonists show from. Acts are quite similar to real world affairs, but those who have shown that some of the few things do. There are many things to do before executing successfully a good investigation.

Trainings are the main beginning to be a crime scene investigator. It requires many practical cases which must be well familiar with. You must be exposed to different types of sites and be able to manage a number of horrific objects as human blood and objects used in crimes.

The good thing to be a CSI is that it makes feel you a saviour in a survey. It allows you to help those who really need your analysis and resolution. The work will be certainly more cost-effective.

The training includes various types of analysis. This is why a person is required to participate in an intensive training and investigation.

Since a crime investigation must occur exactly at the place, a CSI are allowed to possess a firearm or help an unforeseen event or defence purposes. An investigator must have at least an education courses from the application of the law and should be physical adapted to qualify for this profession.

Training institutions offer complete and certified courses for a crime scene investigator. Prior to the education of criminal investigations, it is suggested that you first discover what are required training, you should take to be a crime scene investigator.

Your local police department and a representative of crime scene should be able to advice you the necessary qualifications to choosing schools and courts of rights.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Anatomy and Physiology Questions examination – exam success

Anybody to the success of their anatomy reviews review and Physiology should know that it is essential that you have a study guide that offers a variety of issues to review Anatomy and physiology.

There is so much information to learn with this difficult topic. The majority of students is the latin name for example the muscles, the trickiest of learning.

I taught Anatomy and Physiology for a long time and after years of dealing with students frustrated, nervous, which I have had the best results at the end of year reviews after I tested my students on a weekly basis at the beginning of their studies.

Anatomy and physiology is divided into body, for example respiratory and circulatory systems. Each system must be learned separately, for example to learn the skeletal system and then move on the next chapter. The type most appropriate to use the revision of the questions are multiple-choice questions.

My advice would be to take on issues and copy them on a piece of paper or some Records of 20-30 cards. Day 1 learn these questions again and again until you are satisfied. Repeat this process the next day and so forth. Each chapter is expected to take about four days to review. It is obvious that some chapters may take longer than others, depending on the information contained in each of them. You can also change the number of issues you learn every day, but you can change accordingly based on the size of the chapter and the time you have.

When you reviewed a body system, give yourself a review on what you've learned. If you type on your review, it will be more professional, you can also keep copies for future reference. When you take the exam, close your books and honestly to mark your paper. This will give you a guideline on how well informed that you are on this system of body and knowledge if you need to study more.

If you repeat this on all body systems, you'll be surprised how much learn you. The key is to constantly test yourself. Give your review little self all the time.

Friday, November 25, 2011

DNA - testing how is it really used in our society today?

DNA testing is done to obtain important information or facts about the crimes to prove guilt or innocence of a person or family tracing ancestry. It is also widely used for genetic testing and paternity tests. Below are the different ways in which it is used in our society today.

Forensic science

DNA tests or fingerprinting is widely used for forensic science today. This type of test is used to find a suspect in a case of crime using samples of hair, blood, saliva etc. There are various methods used in DNA fingerprinting. Some of these methods are RFLP, chain polymerase and short tandem or STR analysis. A test of this kind help to understand the particular profile of human beings humans from pre historic era.

Paternity testing

DNA testing is widely used for paternity testing to prove if a child is the son or the daughter of a particular person. The test is performed by comparing the DNA of parents with children. There are various companies around the world who offer these services today. Basically, there are three types of companies that offer paternity tests. Some firms specialize in these tests and have a laboratory that are unique. Other companies are more as brokers while the third type of companies are laboratories that perform these tests as a business side.

Genetic disorders

DNA is often used today for genetic tests to verify the ancestors, diseases, and diseases. Genetic testing is the analysis of the DNA of a human being. Our DNA has strands of various codes that relate to the color of the eyes, height, color of hair and other parts of the body. It also has information on illnesses and diseases. These tests can be executed before or after the birth of a child. In the case of a genetic test before birth the doctor take fluid of the fetus or would CVS for placental material for genetic information. Some segments of DNA are such that they are transmitted from generation to generation without modification.

DNA and the different types of tests that are associated with have changed our company in different ways. Today there are testing centers and laboratories around the world that provide useful information and helpful services. These test centres also offer banking services DNA as well as biological link sessions search counselling. The results of these tests are very specific, which is one of the reasons why they are very reliable and used around the world. It can be rightly said that genetic analysis has infiltrated almost all strata of society today.

One must learn more about DNA and other secrets marketing test.Thomas Freers is a Marketing coach online which is undoubtedly more great Internet Marketing School, available worldwide today. He specializes in Marketing Article, Social Media networking and various other marketing strategies and working with small and large businesses to help them customize their marketing campaigns. With more than 50 different marketing strategies available today you learn that fits your personality. To learn more about Thomas Freers and see more efficient principles to explode your Internet business to create large profits and get results go to http://www.earn-1k-a-day-for-life.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Freers

Thomas Freers - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Physiology Questions – help to pass your exams.

It is very important to have the good set of questions from Physiology to help spread your examinations.

Anatomy and physiology is very difficult to learn, and once the end of the year arrives there is much to review. Physiology is generally divided into body systems namely.
Cell & fabrics
Endocrine system
Nervous system

The best way to review each system must have a set of questions with multiple choices relevant to the body part you learn. Multiple-choice questions are the best type of questions to use because there is no room for error, you need to know the answer that you can only choose a single selection.

Some examples:
01. What is the largest gland in the body?
(a) liver - response
(b) the gallbladder
(c) pancreas
(d) stomach

02. Which one of the following is not a function of the larynx?
(a) aid to voice generation
(b) acts as an air passage
(c) Act as an air passage between pharynx and bronchi - response
(d) to prevent choking

03 Bundle of nerves, known as the horse tail consist of what part of the spinal nerves?
(a) lumbar, sacral and coccygeal nerves - response
(b) nerves of cervical, thoracic and lumbar
(c) thoracic, lumbar and sacral nerves
(d) the cervical nerves lumbar and coccygeal

04. What is the hormone stimulates the growth of mammary glands and lactation after parturition?
(a) follicle-stimulating hormone
(b) lactogenic hormone - response
(c) of the growth hormone
(d) thyroxine

It is very important to be consistent with your studies. And always test yourself. When you reviewed a body system, review what you've learned yourself, use your bank of test questions of Physiology. This will give you an indication of knowledge if you need more study in that particular area.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The OWL of Minerva fly only at dusk - obviously intelligent Ontologies

Translate Request has too much data
Parameter name: request
Translate Request has too much data
Parameter name: request

The development of WAGI, Web Artificial General Intelligence, can for instance involve an intelligence algorithm with two metasystem transitions as I explained in my earlier article "Bloom's Beehive -Intelligence is an algorithm". In his book "Creating Internet Intelligence" Ben Goertzel also implicitly describes this. Steps 3 and 6 I mentioned in my earlier article are the most important steps in that they identify differences, correspondences and spatio-temporal relations are mapped as patterns. A pattern P is said to be grounded in a mind, when the mind contains a number of specific entities wherein P is in fact a pattern. From correspondences, shared meaning and grounded patterns, abstractions and simplification rules can be derived, whereas differences prompt for the evaluation towards possible modification.

For the abstraction and simplification processes wherein from numerous data events patterns are derived Artificial Intelligence programs exist and are developed, but they are often dedicated to a very specific niche. When it comes to numerical data, such as in stock market analysis, commercial activity analysis, scientific experimental data etc. or spatiotemporal data such as traffic systems or rule and pattern based data such as in games these programs work fairly well for their specific niche. What Goertzel is attempting in the OpenCog software and the Novamente project is bringing these features to the world of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Here the data mining which involves a great deal of analysis of a linguistic and semantic nature is of a quite different order. Although quite a number of programs exist (e.g. DOGMA; OBO, OWL: Web Ontology Language etc.) exist and a lot of work has been done in the field of Ontology (ontology in the field of AI is a "formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualisation") there is still room for improvement of rules and schemes helping in establishing ontologies.

It is here where the daily work of patent attorneys and patent examiners can provide ideas for development in the field of Ontology. In fact a great deal of the jobs of patent attorneys and patent examiners involve establishing ontologies. When a patent attorney drafts a claim for an invention, which is a specific entity, he tries to conceptualise in what way the invention can be described in the most general way, whilst maintaining all essential features for defining the invention. Upon drafting an application he has to take into account all possible components of an ontology being commonly known as individuals, classes, attributes, relations, function terms, restrictions, rules, axioms and events as illustrated hereunder:

The specific entities on which a pattern is grounded, of which at least one must be described in a detailed manner and which can be claimed in dependent claims can be considered as the "individuals", the ground level objects. The claim dependency structure, the so-called claim-tree has various kinds of intermediate generalisations before arriving at individual specific entities and can be considered as providing the "classes". A claim most essentially exists of a list of features which qualify as "attributes". By means of the dependency in the claim tree the "relations" are provided. The so-called "functional features" which encompass a series of specific entities provide the "function terms". Disclaimers, proviso's qualify as "restrictions". If..then "rules" result in dependent claims of particular combinations of conditional requirements The provision of "axioms" is most often done in the description; it amounts to giving a plausible explanation of why the structural and functional features give rise to the described technical effect the invention has over the prior art. Changes in attributes or relations which lead to the drafting of different independent claims qualify as "events".

In an astute manner patent attorneys are extremely proficient in this process. With a minimum of features and functional relations between those features, so as to warrant a claim which is as broad as possible without infringing teachings from the prior art, they arrive at giving an ontological definition of an invention.

The whole process of drafting a patent application and especially a successful claim tree depends on the proficiency of the patent attorney to identify classes and sub-classes: hypernyms and hyponyms. In the feature description he'll have to use holonyms and meronyms. And in the ideal situation the broadest independent claim has been generalised in such a manner that prima facie it is difficult to see what concrete types of inventions fall under the conceptualisation.

And it doesn't stop there the differences as regards the prior art prompt for the evaluation towards possible modification and/or additional industrial applications.

When a patent examiner has to evaluate a patent application, he has to go through this process in reverse order. He has to find out which specific entities have allowed for the generalisation and he has to imagine, what existing types of inventions could possibly fall under the scope of the generalised claims. He has to identify which features (structural and/or functional) are responsible for the technical effect over the prior art. From those notions he can then build a search strategy for identifying relevant prior art, which anticipates and falls within the scope of the subject-matter of the claims. For this search strategy to be complete he must combine a set of search concepts which reflect all individual essential features describing the invention. The search will start with some concrete examples of individual entities and synonyms at one level but when simple search strategies fail he'll have to define (in as far as such has not been done by the patent attorney) hypernyms and hyponyms of the features and combine these. Or he'll have to describe a feature as a set of meronyms or conversely a set of features as a holonym. Nasty problems occur often with acronyms which have more than one meaning, i.e. they are holonyms, which lead to search hits, which have too many documents. Then the Boolean operator NOT must be added in an additional search statement so as to filter out the irrelevant documents, the so-called noise. Antonyms at close distance to negating terms as "not" or "non" can also lead to positive results. If hits sets contain too many members narrowing down must occur, by adding more search terms or more specific search terms. Additionally search terms that have a defined relationship can be combined in a specified manner so as to warrant a proximity between the terms: this is done with so-called proximity operators, which are more powerful in those instances than simple Boolean "AND" operators. Conversely, if a hit set has too few members, it can be expanded by using more general terms, less search statements or less strict proximities.

In fact in building a search strategy, the search examiner is making a very detailed partial Ontology, and it is a pity (but a logic consequence of the requirement of secrecy) that these ontologies are not stored in a publicly accessible database in analogy the Semantic Web. In addition the community of patent examiners has created and still creates a very detailed classification scheme such as the IPC, which can suitably be used as inspiration in the development of ontological classification schemes. It would also be useful for everybody (not just patent professionals, scientists, inventors and AI ontologists) if search engines such as Google and Yahoo would finally make proximity operators available. There is a lot of criticism from the world of scientists and inventors on the inadequate results that web based search engines deliver (see Grivell, L. in EMBO reports (2006) 7, pp.10-13). The search engines employed by the patent offices are in many respects far superior. Unfortunately for you, they are not accessible to the public. In any way the AIbot based crawlers and spiders do not go into the deep web databases, where extremely relevant information may be waiting for you.

Ontologies stored in a specific database with links to other deep web databases that are completely searchable in combination with non-spider/non-crawler data mining bots may be a great step forward in information provision.

The proximity relation is a concept that may require further attention in the field of ontology as it is an indicator as to how certain terms are semantically connected to each other. For instance it would be useful to map for each term defined in a semantic web to know the average distance in all documents on the web to each other term. Perhaps from such a data mining it would turn out that certain terms have very close average proximities, where both terms have not been defined in the semantic web to have any relation to each other. It would provide a further degree of ontological mapping. On a more concrete level involving geographical data such processes are already under way (e.g. Arpinar et al. In "Handbook of geographic information science": Geospatial Ontology Development and Semantic Analytics).

The ontologies are in any way required to build a Webmind based on WAGI and it is about time that AI developers at Google, Yahoo etc. start to work on these issues and to avoid that Hegel's OWLs will only fly at dusk.

Antonin Tuynman was born on 22-02-1971 in Amsterdam. He studied Chemistry at the University in Amsterdam (MSc 1995, PhD 1999). Presently he works as a patent examiner at the European Patent Office in the field of clinical diagnostics. He has also passed the papers of the European Qualifying Examination for patent attorneys. Antonin has a developed a strong interest in futurism and the Singularity theory of Kurzweil. In his blog Awwwareness, http://tuynmix.blogspot.com/ Antonin proposes Artificial Intelligence concepts which may lead to the emergence of internet as a conscious entity.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Antonin_Tuynman

Antonin Tuynman - EzineArticles Expert Author

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Copies of x-rays of today are both Art and Science

Duplication of x-rays is more an art than a science. They have also created a new consumer market for those who want the right to boast about copies of x-ray chest of celebrities who made their mark on the American cinema.

Consider the somewhat macabre sale in Las Vegas: a recent bidding war of chest radiography of none other than Marilyn Monroe extracted from $45,000 to an auction held in a Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. Photography, have taken when Monroe 28 years ago, should have been less than $1,800, according to Darren Julien sales auction Julien.

The image is to have generated interest so that Monroe said pregnant at the time wherever taken while on a visit to the former Hospital of Lebanon (now Cedars-Sinai) cedar in Hollywood.

"(The_X-Ray)" was made at the time believed to be pregnant, and the rumor that she had a false layer, "said Julian in an interview on the element with the new york Daily News."

While medical imaging technology has grown to giant since Monroe chest pic was taken in 1945, the image is well-preserved and shows a remarkable resolution for films produced in the period.

Digital radiography has revolutionized the way in which copies of x-rays are obtained and processed, now that many offices medical installed computers and software capable of displaying images of x-rays to the examination rooms individual; an auxiliary requirement of HIPAA regulations that protect patient privacy. Only a handful of providers of copy of x rays were still, capacity to move replicas of x-ray film.

Digital x-rays may be transferred to DICOM scans and on DVD and other forms of electronic media that exist today. But some providers do not necessarily create these images in a HIPAA compliant facility.

If only Marilyn Monroe were still alive today to see digital medicine today at work!

CopyScan is the leader in document management specializing in South Florida. Headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, CopyScan provides electronic medical records X-ray best; image medical duplication. document high-speed scanning and other services for companies.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_M_Brewer

Michael M Brewer - EzineArticles Expert Author

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Diploma in medicine - what jobs can I get one?

If you are currently studying for a degree in medicine or you contemplating it in the near future and you're interested in discovering what kind of career is at your disposal once you graduation, then read on as we will discuss your options. If you are near the end of your course and uncertain if you want a career as a nurse or a physician after being during the work placement in a busy hospital then it might be interesting to see what is available.

For students on medical degree courses who do not wish to pursue a career in hospital is a number of options open to them under the economy and the availability of jobs is.

Medical degree career choice

If you are about to graduate from a course of medical degree then others that becoming a doctor or a nurse you may also be interested in pursuing a following related career paths:


If you have a keen interest in oral hygiene and interpersonal you may be interested in a career in a dentist for the N.H.S or the practice of private dentistry. With a medical qualification as a degree you can become a dentist or a dental hygienist.

Sports medicine

For MD/PhD students who have a keen interest in sport and fitness, a career in sports medicine physical therapy or osteopathy can be a viable option.

General practitioner (GP)

Or if you always want to be a doctor and deal with everyday issues of public health but do not wish to work in a hospital setting, then you can work as a practitioner in a surgery room near your place of domicile or later.

Medical research

Other options for medical degree graduates are jobs in the field of medical research, which may be of interest in this area, you can research medical cures diseases such as AIDS and cancer or find a recovery faster new rates of treatment for trauma injuries caused in accidents.

Medical journalist

Of course if you are totally disabled by the idea to engage directly with the diseases and conditions, you can pursue a medical journalist career or become a medical degree course literature author. You can even choose to go into the educational system and teach other medical sciences university courses if you must also complete an education in addition to the current qualification.

So you can see there are many choices available to medical students once their studies in a variety of other areas as the nurse conventional ward or doctor. ?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Science Fair projects can be fun for you and your child.

Oh no, it's time for project feared. But wait. Science projects are supposed to be fun.

And they can be, if you know the secrets to projects just science successful, starting by choosing the right project for your child.

Here are 6 steps to help you choose a project that will be fun for you and your child.

First things first. And this first step is to check the requirements just for science and understand what your child project criteria must be met.

Then, map the chronology and the important due dates. This will help you avoid the wacky minutes and to ensure that you do not choose a project takes more time to make the time you need to do.

Now let's talk money. How do you devote to this science project? Knowing what your budget is before you choose a project will ensure that you do to break the Bank or encourage your child to choose something that is really not possible financially.

Now that you have the criteria for including project, it is time for reflection.

Firstly and most importantly, ask your child if they have ideas. They may have already decided on something of themselves and then your work is much easier - you can start just to help them get there.

But if they are not all ideas, then their interests into account. What they want to? What they collect or think, speak or ask questions about? Your children will enjoy science much more if you make a project they are really interested in.

Then online and search for a topic that your child is interested in the "project" or "science project" or head to the library and discover one or two of science books great project you can find.

Recognize a few ideas that meet your criteria for database requirements, timeline and budget and share with your child and ask if no interest in them. Or better yet sit with your son or your daughter, and watch through the choices together and discuss the criteria you're looking for together. You spent some quality time with your child benefit from teaching them how to find the information they need to begin.

Once you and your child choose your project, the next step is to start - collecting supplies and develop the project. Enjoy the process. Science is really discovered - and it's fun!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Science Fair projects: how to choose a science project for your child

Science is supposed to be fun, not feared. Projects in science and more specifically, science fair projects can be fun, if you choose the right project for your child.

Then, how to choose the right science project?

1. Check the requirements just for science and understand what criteria should be answered in a project to "win". It is not fun for you or your child if do you all the work and get disqualified or marked down, because the science project you selected does not meet requirements.

2 Know your calendar. If the science is tomorrow, a project that requires a week for incubating isn't going to work.

3 Find out how much you need to pass. Science projects were not in your budget. But don't want to make sure that you can provide or have access to all materials, the project will need. It's no fun to get all jazzed about an idea, only to have to say no because you can afford.

4 Ask your child if they have ideas they like to try or were thinking. Most of our science project ideas have come directly from the children themselves. and they tend to be things that I would have never thought of.

5. If your child does not have an ideas, think about their interests. If your child is in the rocks, make a project of geology. If your child is mixing things together, examine the chemistry projects. If your child is insects... well you get the idea. You and your child will enjoy the process so much more if it is something that is interesting.

6. If you are having a difficult time finding a topic from the outset, search ' science fair projects "online or head to the library."

Generally, science project books are located by the general science theme. Therefore for Geology projects look under the section "Geology" or "Earth science". Even with any any other topic of science. You will be surprised by the selection of available projects.

From there, ask your child to choose a project providing their interest, catch fits the requirements just for science, your schedule and your budget.

Enjoy the journey with your child and don't worry perfection. Science is on experimentation and a lot of fun!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Student microscope

Student life is perhaps the best time to introduce young minds to knowledge, to leave an impression which was to last a life time. It is at this age that most of the seeds of the inquisition and zeal for discovery and knowledge is laid. It is therefore essential that they made the best instruments of science contributes to this process. The student microscope is an instrument which assists laying the basis mentioned above among children from school. The modern world has provided students with many drawings and models of the biologist's best friend.

Generally student microscope has a few unique to it and most manufacturers keep in mind while making their mark. They are generally light weighted and relatively cheap. In addition to this, the designs are user-friendly, that is, they are easy to handle and use mechanics which is designed to withstand vigorous use and rough handling and a system. Among the most common of these microscopes have security features to prevent counterfeiting as eyepiece and stage clips locked onto a focus movement is coarse and fine and a clutch of landslide prevention more focusing, and also a top focus which is adjustable in order to prevent any type of damage to the objective lens and glass micro-lames.

Optics used in student microscope is generally a high quality one DIN standard. Most often these microscopes have three or at least two goals with 40 x and x 10 lenses. Thus on average these microscopes magnification power ranges from 100 x x 400. However, with the addition of the third goal of 100 x in some power increased to 1000x. They are typically used by students studying in higher standards. Used in a completely student microscope lighting functionality depends on the cost of instruments. The cheap have tungsten bulbs while slightly expensive instruments use fluorescent lights and in some cases, halogen lamps.

Although the prices of the different types of microscopes differ much, but in the case of a student microscope a higher price tag does not guarantee the availability of anything a child want. Actually just looking for an instrument in this segment if there is knowledge of microscopy they can find a good quality instrument with all the features you want at a very cheap price. Some characteristics that should be watched any purchase of a microscope student ability to concentrate. It should be both fine focus as well as coarse display in order to provide the kid with a clear vision of each sample. Apart the magnification should be at least 400 x power and would be better if it is 1000x as the sole purpose of a microscope and should serve best.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How to use a density determination Kit

Density is the proportion of the mass of an object to its volume. Density determination has various applications. Density is used to designate certain properties of the materials or products. This may indicate a change in the composition of a material or a defect in a product.

Density determination kit is essentially an equipment which allows a sample to be considered in the air and water then or other liquids with a density of known. Balance analytical when used in conjunction with a density kit can help determine the density of a given sample. The kit allows for density determination of liquids and solids with a high degree of precision and ease. Work advanced programmable analytical balances with density kits that exit the result directly on an LCD screen.

Density kit produces very accurate results and operates on the principle of buoyancy derived in principle the Archimedes. The density of a liquid is usually measured by a collapse of glass ft3 to 10 cm, also sometimes called a plumb line; and can give accurate readings to 0.0001 g/cu. cm. The density or specific gravity is determined by weighing plunge into air first, followed by the liquid. In the case of solids, volume came to measuring sample buoyant when submerged in fluids of known density. Balances were hard coded forms and instructions manuals that can be used to determine the density for both methods.

A typical package includes a weighing cradle suspended instead of standard weighing Pan (b) a beaker of glass with independent support (c) a thermometer with a clip that can be suspended in the fluid and (d) a volume glass scales already known for the determination of the density of the fluid.

The first step is to disable the balance and disconnect the mains. Then, remove the plate, its support, as well as grading ring. Then, place the platform used for weighing such that the vertical rack is weighing to balance domain. Then, place the beaker on the shelf as his feet do not touch the weighing platform. Lift the Assembly of the platform on the edge of the beaker and slip in through the grooves on the grid. Then the thermometer should go into the beaker. Plug the balance and the switch on the calculations of supply and power density can now be done.

Forget density determination is a delicate operation and certain precautions should be taken. For small specimens, even tiny air bubbles from 1 mm cubes can affect density readings. To remove bubbles, the liquid softly rustling. Ensure that there is no bubble on any part of the aircraft it will compromise the final result. In addition to this note that temperature changes Similarly a degree centigrade may cause error to the fourth decimal place. Finally, repeat the test to make sure that you are able to repeat the result. Sometimes the repeatability can be compromised because of surface tension of the liquid. This can be avoided by adding a little appropriate detergent or any other surfactant.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The problems of work-energy

In four previous articles, I described how I teach motion with constant acceleration and Newton's second law. In these articles, I explained how I try to get students to solve the problems of Physics in terms of fundamental principles. You can find the details of my arguments in the foregoing articles.

Due to the limitations of Equation Editor, I use some unusual rating. This notation is also described in the preceding articles. For the first time here, I represent an angle with a variable. I represent "Theta" by th and "phi" by phi.

In this article, I describe how to use the theorem of energy work to solve the problems of physics. As usual, I will explain my approach with examples. Please note how each important step in my problem solutions begins with the statement of principles. It must be preceded by determine formulas work for various forces. These formulas can find in any physical book introduction.

Problem. A case of mass m is driven by a force p applied at an angle below the horizontal th. The coefficient of friction of sliding between the caisse and the floor is the United Kingdom. If the Fund starts at rest, what is its speed after he pushed a distance D?

Analysis. We use a framework of inertial reference with the horizontal axis and axis is vertical x. The initial point is represented by i and the end point by u. The caisse is touch: (i) that it grows (force P); (ii) the floor (normal force n and friction force UkN). (iii) the weight of the caisse is MG. With the help of a free body diagram, we can apply Newton's second law in the vertical direction.

Newton's second law

Sum (FY) = MAy
N MG - Psin (th) = 0
So, N = MG + Psin (th).

Now, we can apply the work-energy theorem.

Work-energy theorem
Work (P), Work (N) + Work (UkN) Work (MG) = M(Vu**2)/2-M(Vi**2)/2.
PDcos (th) + 0 - UkND + 0 = (MVu * 2) / 2-(IVM * 2) / 2.

Finally, with N = MG + Psin (th) and Vi = 0, we
PDcos (th) - Uk (MG + Psin (th)) D = M(Vu**2)/2.
Thus, Vu * 2 = 2 (Pcos (th) - Uk (MG + Psin (th))) D) / M.

Problem. Massless with constant force spring K = 100 N/m hangs from the ceiling, as shown in the sketch. A ball of mass M = 1,0 kg is attached at the end of spring and released. What is the speed of the ball to the point where he fell a distance D = 5.0 cm?

Analysis. We use a vertical axis x from the free end of the spring without stretching and positive up to study the movement of the ball. The only forces on the ball are KX - due to spring and MG due to gravity. The ball is released when the spring is not stretched, its initial position and velocity are Xi = 0 and Vi = 0. We want that velocity of the ball saw when he fell to 5.0 cm distance, where its position is Xu =-5.0 cm. With the work-energy theorem and the equations for the work, we have

Work-energy theorem
W (Spring) + W (gravity) = M(Vu**2)/2-M(Vi**2)/2.
K(Xu**2)/2-K(Xi**2)/2 + MG (Xu - Xi) = M(Vu**2)/2-M(Vi**2)/2.

You can do arithmetic you use simply K = 100 N/m, Xi = 0, Xu = 0.050 m, Vi = 0 and M = 1,0 kg. Willl you find light = 0.85 m/s.

Here we have two solutions more Physics problems that follow the same basic introduced (and highlighted) method in one-dimensional kinematics, object physics introduction first. For these issues resolved, calculations start with a statement of principle (Newton's second law and premier work-energy theorem and the principle of labour-power in the second). This is my basic message to students: start all solutions of the problem with a declaration of principles applicable in physics.

Dr. William Moebs is physical retired professor who has taught at both universities: Indiana - Purdue Fort Wayne and Loyola Marymount University. You can see hundreds of examples illustrating how stressed the fundamental principles by visiting physical support.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Moebs

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Find ultrasound schools to plan a great career

Many people have, due to the current economic times to seek new careers. Times have changed and those who worked for a time in some professions have found that they are more in demand. If you're in this position, there is no better time now to develop a new career that will be paid, always in demand, which will be concluded. You will find ultrasound schools offer this possibility with the ultrasound technician training.

These technicians are highly respected members of the medical community. In this position, you must use medical equipment that produces waves audio high-frequency for developing images, photos and video of the patient's body. This information is forwarded to the responsible physician and often determines if a surgical or other medical procedures are needed.

There are a number of areas that you can specialize in which are related to specific body areas. They are gynecologicsonography, obstetricsonography, ophthalmicsonography, echocardiosonography, or neurosonography. This opens a wide range of choice, that it is possible to choose. With expertise in a special area makes you even more in demand in the medical field.

This type of career programs are offered in colleges, universities, vocational or technical training schools. Training usually takes about 2 years, with some States requiring an associate degree. Classes would include studies to things such as physics, ethics, Anatomy and Physiology, instrumentation and medical equipment training.

At the end of the program, you must pass a certification test to hold a licence. In addition, you should continue your career education courses. There are many schools listed on the Internet that offer training in this area with many offering a portion of their online courses. It is extremely important that determine you that the selected school has been accredited so that you are qualified to pass the certification exam upon completion of studies.

It is easy to check with the State Department of health to find schools by ultrasound were approved by the State to provide this training. Job opportunities in the field of medical care available at hospitals, clinics, private practices and laboratories. In addition, the Bureau of Labor Statistics considers the need for Ultrasound technicians is expected to increase 19% in the next decade, featuring a portrait of good jobs in the long term.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

You say free energy? For your home? Easy instructions on how to make work for Pennies!

Nikola, died in New York City in 1943 with almost no money in his name. Not because he could not make work the sound idea, but because he wasn't allowed to. In fact, it was not until the 1960s for him to be recognized for his work in engineering. Think if ideas were not remarkable, why in the world anyone would market a company car with this name. Long ago there was this scientist, engineer or it has been a pioneer, or simply a "mad scientist". Most of you have heard of the new fast and elegant new electric car called the Tesla. Similarly, the name car was given in honour of the rather eccentric man, a man who was before its time, Nicola Tesla. Born in Croatia, Eastern Europe to be exact in 1856-1943, he has developed tons of ideas that change the type of man forever. His ideas were how turbines operate at Niagara Falls, to create electricity. Technically, he invented wireless electricity, radio, magnetic induction, among a plethora of other discoveries of savings and energy-producing. In addition, we wouldn't TV today, Radars and its patents have been used to make the first transatlantic wireless communication.

You how to use its methods for yourself. There is a simple way to create free electricity to power your cell phone for connection with simple pieces of your local hardware store your fees of $2.00. Using these techniques will help you build a still larger feed throughout the House. Thinking, how much pay you for electricity month last $200, $400, $1000. Think about what you could do with some of the savings you get electricity which wouldn't you anything. I don't know a lot of things you could do with this additional expenditure went!

In case you didn't know, Nikola Tesla was nicknamed "Crazy man", and it is only because he was prevented by large companies, the Rockefeller world at this time refused for those inventions to make public as his fortune in oil would lessen the tubes. Don't forget to come back then, it was really about how much money you have to do things, or rather, make disappear.

Nikola, died in New York City in 1943 with almost no money in his name. Not because he could not make work the sound idea, but because he wasn't allowed to. In fact, it was not until the 1960s for him to be recognized for his work in engineering. Think if ideas were not remarkable, why in the world anyone would market a company car with this name.

Do yourself a favor check out this video below and decide for yourself, is to save hundreds of dollars per year applies to you. You may not have known where heard of this genius there something that Big Boys want you to know. This video review and prove to your car.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_A_Martin

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Why chemistry is part of any well-rounded education

The first people that begins to record the results of chemical experiments were the ancient Greeks. Ancient Greek scientists came up with the concept of "elements" and they came with early models of the atom. Naturally, they lacked the technology available to get it just right, but they have laid the foundations.

For some students, it is clear why chemistry is a requirement. Students in nursing, medical students, most engineers and those that specialize in science need to know the basic principles of chemistry. Some students require extensive chemistry training to meet their requirements for graduation. But a major literature can benefit from the study of chemistry. This is one of basic science, and it can improve scientific literacy, which is a good question whether if you dissection of Shakespeare or the structure of a new drug.

The study of chemistry teaches you academic discipline, and once you have completed the course, you have a very real sense of having accomplished something. Analytical skills and patience, you learn how to take a chemistry class benefit you regardless of your curriculum. And there were many students who initially feared chemistry to discover that they really enjoyed it.

In chemistry class, you can use the skills you developed in basic science classes and your math skills. You'll also develop your skills in logic, and if you plan to enter university or law, logical environment skills are paramount. Chemistry also involves a certain amount of simple memorization, but you memorized your multiplication that tables when and you are certainly capable of doing the memory required in chemistry class.

Even if you do not have to take chemistry to meet your requirements for graduation, you should consider strongly taking. Get a good grounding in basic chemistry, you will benefit from any direction your studies takes you.